Jesse James Vs. Al Capone: Who Is Deadliest?

Tuesday, May 4, 2010

Jesse James Vs. Al Capone: Prediction

In tonight's episode we will who is Deadliest between Jesse James and Al Capone.

My Prediction: Jesse James will win.

These are the known weapons that are bieng brought.
                                                 Jesse James        Al Capone
                           Close Range:  Bowie knife       Stiletto knife

                           Mid Range:    Colt Revolvers  Tommy Gun

                           Long Range:  Winchester rifle  MK II grenade

                          Special Weapons:                   Brass knuckles

These are my Predictions for the edges...

Close Range: Jesse James
Mid Range: Al Capone
Long Range: Jesse James
Special Weapons: Jesse James

Jesse James has Speed and accuracy when it comes to these weapons. Al Capone only has power. The Thompson has power, but not accuracy. When it comes down to the wire Speed and accuracy will win al the time.

Friday, April 30, 2010

Alexander the Great Vs. Attila the Hun- Winner: Attila the Hun

I just have to say that the outcome of this weeks episode left me totally speachless. I thought that Alexander the Great would have dominated Attila. But I guess I was wrong. The Hunnic Bow was to big of a influence in the outcome of the match up. I knew that If Attila won that, and that only would be the deciding factor.

Here is how the Two fared in the match up:
Attila the Hun Kills                                    Alexander the Great Kills

Close Range:  Sword of Mars 117                         Kopis 120

Mid Range:     Lasso 30                                         Xyston 225

Long Range:   Hunnic Composite Bow 354            Gastraphetes 52

Special Weapons:  Scythian Axe 95                       Ballista 7

Totals 596                                                            404

Thursday, April 22, 2010

My prediction for Next week's Episode: Alexander the Great Vs. Attila the Hun


Alexander the Great is going to crush Attila the Hun!
Reason #1: He has way more sophisticated armor and Weaponry.
#2: He was a Strategic Genius on the battle field.
#3: He fought best in hand-to-hand combat. 
#4: He wasn't poisoned by his lover.
#5: He nearly conquered the world!

What more is there to say. My prediction for next week: Alexander the Great is going to cream Attila the Hun.

Wednesday, April 21, 2010

S.W.A.T. Vs. GSG-9

I enjoyed this Episode a lot, not as much as the season 1 premiere, but still a lot.
I was routing for S.W.A.T the whole time. They're were, with out a doubt, the Deadliest Warrior.
The only call I didn't like was on the Sniper Rifles. I think S.W.A.T.'s Sniper Rifle was a lot better than GSG-9's. It did way more damage, and in my opinion, more accurate. It's all water under the bridge though so I can't complain too much. I really looking forward to next week's match-up between Alexander the Great and Attila the Hun.

                                          My pick- Alexander the Great.